With fast approaching digital tendencies for 2019, who is scoring high?
Priority vs impulse in the automation era
The urge from project managers to be driven by passion for the development of a product or service is no stranger. After all, the process of turning a great idea into reality is almost a pet substitute. But the key to ongoing success could be compared to the backstage staff on a music gig, coordinating each second of the show with the pragmatism unlikely to be linked to any artistic outcome seen by the crowd. It is no surprise that the success of a project lies heavily on its decision maker's ability to display utter discipline and to ruthlessly prioritize. Of course, with human aspects in a project's team at stake, it is fair to consider how exactly to achieve excellence in the outcome of a given project without coming across as neither autocrat nor "laissez-faire" in management style.
A Digital Masterpiece in style
Airfocus with its roadmap solution has automated prioritization of tasks in the pinnacle of the automation era. With its sleek interface, it has not only achieved aesthetics but also something that does not come about very often in the digital realm: the beauty of simplicity! The first striking feature of Airfocus is the way it converts strategic value and cost drivers into relevant visual data laid in scattergram style by using a simple time management matrix. Now, we all think of a scattergram as a graphic tool to forecast sales or consumer behavior and although this is not what Airfocus' take on roadmapping is since its purpose is not to forecast the likelihood of project's success, it is quite refreshing to visualize each task in such a manner; it offers an augmented sense of time and purpose for each team member within that time. And with its timeline panel, online support and in-tool training, "forecasting" team success as a premise sounds a rather likely consequence for businesses using Airfocus.
The Digital trends in 2019
The simplicity in the way Airfocus works in terms of project processes efficiency and specifically with their scoring system is of particular importance this year. Some of the hottest topics in 2018 included how consumer behavior is set to change in 2019 as a result of high profile scandals shaking the foundations of technology titans. This overall impact on how concerned consumers are with their privacy, for example, is going to be a major driver of change to more customer-centered products and services. Customers are skeptical in terms of which services they should really trust and provide their personal data in exchange and this is going to give SMB's as well as the big players a run for their money in terms of user experience. With voice search users getting more confident with its capabilities and Google set to use the mobile version of a website as its primary one for ranking, 2019 is headed to a revolutionary change to business decision-makers. If businesses do not have their managerial tools in place so to catch up with the speed at which change is taking place this year, finding a place in the spotlight will likely be a very long hurdle. With 4 steps Airfocus makes sure you worry about what needs to be worried and does for you what can automated.
"...one of the biggest challenges in any project is aligning priorities with all involved...centralized communication between office tools..."
Sven Neu, who is a PRINCE2 practitioner and a specialist in Lean Six Sigma improvement methods, believes one of the most recurrent challenges in a project is to have all members of a project bundled within a centralized communication tool. Jira, Asana and other office tool are empowering but making sure priorities are aligned can only be possible with a roadmap tool with powerful integration possibilities. Airfocus integrates with Zapier powered tools as well as Jira, Asana, intercom and a variety of other office tools.
We might be living in times with a degree of uncertainty in the air, business-wise. But the solution is a certainty Airfocus is most definitely focused on.